Monday, May 27, 2013

Different Tools Being used in Energy Industry

We know the energy or oil industry only on the surface. As a matter of fact, it only matters to us when we are refilling our vehicle, paying our electricity bills and the like. However, most of us do not know how this industry is working. Moreover, only few of us even know a single tool or equipment that is being used to produce the energy that we are consuming, whether it is in the form of fuel or electricity. There are even times when we only care when its price either goes up or down. Now, in appreciating this industry, there is no harm in knowing some of the tools or other equipment and even products that directly impact energy. The down hole tools are just among them.

For instance, such tools are built in order to maximize the performance of progressive cavity pump or PC pump. This kind of pump is transferring fluid through progress. It looks like a screw that when it rotates, it can move fluid from one point to another.

What is well optimization?

This refers to the technology that is being used in order to determine the most ideal location of a pumping well. This kind of technology or device is commonly being used in different applications like in designing groundwater remediation systems, as well as for designing a system for site dewatering and even for managing water resources. It is an essential tool in the energy industry because it can make some savings for the company since they will not be wasting resources by putting up well in the wrong location.

What is an artificial kind of lift systems?

Artificial lift systems, on the other hand, are other important tools in this industry. It uses unnatural means in order to increase or elevate the flow of fluids from top to bottom. This is commonly being used in extracting crude oil or even water from any production well or site. This is also known as the velocity string. This kind of equipment is highly useful in wells with low pressure in reservoir.

Avoiding Tubing Back-off

Moreover, downhole tools is an essential component in pumps because it provides a simple yet reliable solution in order to tune back-off when the PC pumps are being used for production. Aside from that, it also takes the reactive type of torque that is being produced due to the friction of the rotor and stator. 

Written by a professional author who describes the detail of progressive cavitypump and well optimization .

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